Animal Liberation
Animal Liberation
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textAugust 2003 Direct Action Update by elf press office
The ELF and ALF have been kicking but this Revolution Summer 2003...
Posted: Fri, Sep 12, 2003 3:45pm PDT
textMinnesota county wants feedlot sites kept secret by Willie Green
ST. PETER, Minn. -- Concerned about animal rights activists and bioterrorism, Nicollet County Board members have asked the state to conceal information about the location of animal feedlots across the state....
Posted: Fri, Apr 25, 2003 8:39pm PDT
textThe Animal and Earth Liberation Front - MORE! UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! by whisper
The Relentless Determination of those Volunteers from the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts Continue into the New Year!!! What follows are some highlights of actions and information taken from various websites....
Posted: Fri, Jan 10, 2003 7:03pm PST
textAnimal Rights Protesters Indicted on Felony Charges by *vegan*
Last April, ten people were arrested durring a World Week for Animals In Labs (WWAIL) protest in New York City. Six were idicted on felony criminal mischief (in the second degree). One is currently being held in jail on $15,000 cash only bond with conditions set so that no activist my post bail. All six stand to receive sentences betwen one and six years....
Posted: Sun, Jul 28, 2002 6:05pm PDT
textStop HLS animal cruelty - virtual sit-in by Von Lmo
Electronic Civil Disobedience [ECD] is a legitimate form of non-violent, direct action utilized in order to bring pressure on institutions engaged in unethical or criminal actions. Starting Friday, June 14th, at 6:00pm Pacific time, such an action was commenced against Huntingdon Life Sciences. VISIT for details. PARTICIPATE...
Posted: Sun, Jun 16, 2002 3:10pm PDT
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