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Campaign For Framed Railroad Workers Facing Trial For Lac-Mégantic Wreck

by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
Three railroad workers are on trial in Lac-Mégantic, Canada for causing a massive train wreck that killed 47 people. The real reasons are the destruction of health and safety standards by the companies in the drive for greater profits. They are now targeting the railroad workers as the cause of the catastrophic dangers that they have created by deregulation and union busting.
Pacifica KPFA WorkWeek Radio looks at a railroad workers defense campaign taking place in Quebec , Canada. In 2014 a major train wreck took place in Lac-Mégantic when a run away train with loaded with highly dangerous fuel smashed into the Lac-Mégantic city center killing 47 people. The company Montreal, Maine and Atlantic (MMA) and the Canadian government blamed three workers for this catastrophic wreck.

USW Locomotive engineer Tom Harding is one of three former Montreal, Maine and Atlantic (MMA) railroad employees along with operations manager Jean Demaître and railway traffic controller Richard Labrie who were each charged with 47 counts of criminal negligence causing death in connection with the deadly derailment and explosions at Lac-Mégantic.

With growing rail and transit disasters in Washinton, New York City and throughout the country are the workers really to blame? We look at the deregulation and the attack on rail workers and health and safety conditions by railroad bosses. On January 4th there will be protests at Canadian consulates in the US and around the world to demand freedom for these railroad workers.

WorkWeek is joined with Railroad Workers United RWU and Workers Solidarity Action Network WSAN member Mark Burrows who is a retired SMART 1433 Canadian Pacific railroader and is helping to organize the defense campaign. We also interview Fritz Elder who is a veteran Locomotive engineer, and chair of the Lac-Mégantic rail workers defense committee and a special rep for Railroad Workers United RWU.

For more information and media:…/lac-megantic-criminal-trial-begins-sher……/steelworkers-local-gives-70000-to-…
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KPFA WorkWeek Radio
workweek [at]

1/4/18 International Day Of Action To Defend Framed Lac-Mégantic Railway Workers-Stop One Person Crews And Destruction Of Health & Safety Standards in Transportation System

1/4/18 Thursday Jan 4th, 2018
Press Conference and Rally in San Francisco on Thursday Jan 4, 2017 at 12:00 noon at the

San Francisco Canadian Consulate 580 California St. San Francisco, California

Additional information about actions in the US and internationally will be forthcoming.

On Thursday January 4, 2018 there will be an international day of action to defend three USW Canadian railway workers. Locomotive engineer Tom Harding is one of three former Montreal, Maine and Atlantic (MMA) railroad employees along with operations manager Jean Demaître and railway traffic controller Richard Labrie who were each charged with 47 counts of criminal negligence causing death in connection with the deadly derailment and explosions at Lac-Mégantic that killed 47 people. As a direct results of the elimination of crews leading to a one person crew, this disaster was man made by the corporations which are eliminating railway safety protections and who control the politicians. The Canadian government in fact like the US government is controlled by these same rail bosses who are only interested in more profits at the cost of lives, communities and the environment.

Increasing rail wrecks and explosions throughout North American are endangering workers, members of the community and creating havoc. These so called “accidents” around the world are a direct result of deregulation, privatization and the attack on transportation workers and their unions.

Not surprisingly, no charges were brought against MMA owner Ed Burkhardt or against the federal Conservative government that allowed the use of single-worker train crews without an inquiry into the implications of its decisions.

The scheme to blame the workers for these disasters is a cynical ploy to shift the real responsibility for the growing number of transportation catastrophes taking place in North America and in country after country.

We call for the dropping of charges and for the real criminals who are the executives of MMA and the government officials to be prosecuted for endangering the community and the workers.

Put the real criminals on trial!

In San Francisco there will be a press conference and protest at the Canadian Consulate at 12:00 noon. The consulate is located at 580 California St. San Francisco.

This international day of action has been endorsed by
Workers Solidarity Action Network
Railroad Workers United
United Public Workers For Action

Additional media:…/lac-megantic-criminal-trial-begins-sher……/steelworkers-local-gives-70000-to-…
§Man Made Explosion At Lac-Mégantic
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
The deregulation of railroads directly led to the catastrophic explosion at Lac-Mégantic. Now the company and the Canadian government are blaming the workers in a criminal frame-up
§Drop The Charges Against Canadian Railway Workers
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
National Canadian union Unifor is calling for the dropping of the charges against the Lac-Mégantic railway workers on trial.
§Railroad Dangers Grow In Canada and US
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
The attack on health and safety protection for greater profits is threatening the workers and communities.
§Train Wrecks Becoming Commonplace Under Capitalist Rule
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
The attack on health and safety and the drive for profits is increasing the number of train wrecks not only in Canada but in the US. Workers and communities are being destroyed by these companies who are backed up by the government agencies which are supposed to protect the public
§Drop The Charges
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
The Railroad Workers United RWU is leading the campaign to defend the framed Lac-Mégantic railroad workers.
§USW Locomotive Engineer Tom Harding Is Fighting Back
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
USW locomotive engineer Tom Harding and the other railroad workers are fighting back against the company government frame-up to hide the real criminals.
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