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The Monsoon Anarchist Collective (MAC), a member collective of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition (PAC) invites radicals, anarchists, and anti-authoritarians to Tempe, Arizona to confront the third, and final, presidential debate on October 13, 2004.
The Monsoon Anarchist Collective (MAC), a member collective of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition (PAC) invites radicals, anarchists, and anti-authoritarians to Tempe, Arizona to confront the third, and final, presidential debate on October 13, 2004. After three years of increased state repression at home and a brutal war machine put into use abroad, both the democrats and the republicans gave the thumbs up to this madness, and now, these racist liars, these greedy warmongers want to come to Tempe to talk civility!
Are they welcome?
No way in hell!
We call upon the anti-authoritarian movement to join us in these dire times by coming to the valley of the sun, to resist the emperor and his would-be successor and this tired racist system. In these times of total war, the rich tighten their strangle hold on the poor at home and abroad, and now their puppets, left and right, are coming to Tempe to offer their solutions, which we know to be more of the same: the rich get richer and the poor keep on dying. We know that whatever lies they may tell during the debates we can count on one thing, they sure aren’t going to promise anyone any more freedom or democracy!
No one can seriously mention freedom and democracy in this country as long as communities are still terrorized by racist police violence, or when greedy landlords throw single parents and their families out on the curb over a few bucks, and let us not forget the hundreds of immigrants who die every year in the Arizona desert while the Feds stand by. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Iraqis have been murdered by American guns and bombs in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the government lied to us all telling us this was a matter of good and evil, and just so they could invade another poor country and steal their wealth. Really, where’s the democracy now? Where’s this fabled land of liberty?
The solution to our problems is a revolutionary one, we know we can’t vote against war, or police brutality, or pay-cuts and layoffs. This system will never allow for working people to have that much control of their lives, that’s why the politicians come along every couple of years with a new smile and even more lies to pretty-up their classist, racist, and sexist agendas.
Phoenix area anarchists are engaging the local communities and creating real dialogue, real debate, and real change to, ultimately, really take control of our lives and create the world we want to see tomorrow.
Come prepared, bring your: Banners, drums, flags, street theater, food, water, tents, bedding, your collective/affinity group, and creative ideas for direct action
For more information, visit for a calendar of events during the week before the debates.
For folks coming into town, contact housing [at] if you will require housing, and for more information email welcome [at] for meet up and check-in information.
There will be updates sent out in the next week, with more information on activities and events around the debate.
We’ll see you in the streets on October 13th!
For liberation and revolution,
The Monsoon Anarchist Collective
Are they welcome?
No way in hell!
We call upon the anti-authoritarian movement to join us in these dire times by coming to the valley of the sun, to resist the emperor and his would-be successor and this tired racist system. In these times of total war, the rich tighten their strangle hold on the poor at home and abroad, and now their puppets, left and right, are coming to Tempe to offer their solutions, which we know to be more of the same: the rich get richer and the poor keep on dying. We know that whatever lies they may tell during the debates we can count on one thing, they sure aren’t going to promise anyone any more freedom or democracy!
No one can seriously mention freedom and democracy in this country as long as communities are still terrorized by racist police violence, or when greedy landlords throw single parents and their families out on the curb over a few bucks, and let us not forget the hundreds of immigrants who die every year in the Arizona desert while the Feds stand by. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Iraqis have been murdered by American guns and bombs in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the government lied to us all telling us this was a matter of good and evil, and just so they could invade another poor country and steal their wealth. Really, where’s the democracy now? Where’s this fabled land of liberty?
The solution to our problems is a revolutionary one, we know we can’t vote against war, or police brutality, or pay-cuts and layoffs. This system will never allow for working people to have that much control of their lives, that’s why the politicians come along every couple of years with a new smile and even more lies to pretty-up their classist, racist, and sexist agendas.
Phoenix area anarchists are engaging the local communities and creating real dialogue, real debate, and real change to, ultimately, really take control of our lives and create the world we want to see tomorrow.
Come prepared, bring your: Banners, drums, flags, street theater, food, water, tents, bedding, your collective/affinity group, and creative ideas for direct action
For more information, visit for a calendar of events during the week before the debates.
For folks coming into town, contact housing [at] if you will require housing, and for more information email welcome [at] for meet up and check-in information.
There will be updates sent out in the next week, with more information on activities and events around the debate.
We’ll see you in the streets on October 13th!
For liberation and revolution,
The Monsoon Anarchist Collective
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