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Indybay Feature

Bari v. FBI - Just following Orders..

by K. Rudin (moxy [at]
In 1990, while investigating the bombing, Sgt. Chenault, Oakland Police Department, repeated LIES, told to him by Special Agent Doyle, F.B.I..
In 1990, while investigating the bombing, Sgt. Chenault, Oakland Police Department, repeated LIES, told to him by Special Agent Doyle, F.B.I..

Illustration is copyrighted by K. Rudin. E-mail for permission to repost or to obtain high res image.
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by Let's see more of 'em!!
Hey Moxy, awesome stuff. I know you've got more of those courtroom scenes hangin out in your sketchpad. I say -- er, suggest gently -- that you slam more of those on that flatbed scanner and get 'em out to the world! Given the reality that we're a little image deprived (presently) on this trial -- no cameras allowed in the courtroom etc. -- these are the visual gems. Hope to see more is all I'm saying...
by Curious George
Who takes the fall depends on the answer to the question "Will the plantiffs prevail?". Not if the jury pays attention. This case ought to be named "Cherney v. United States Taxpayers". Justice will be served if both Cherney and Tanya Brannan, a.k.a. C. Light, do some lengthy federal time for this fraud being carried out in the guise of a lawsuit. We can only hope that R. Joseph Sher , the Department of Justice attorney defending this shakedown, will make a referral to the Internal Revenue Service as well as to those in his own department who handle the RICO racketeering statutes. Check out Hank Sims wonderful coverage each week in the Anderson Valley Advertiser. Sims is closely read by the plantiffs, but without much visible effect. The plantiffs legal team screwed up BIG TIME when they failed to list the Federal Bureau of Investigation as an actual defendant thereby throwing away their oh so clever "Howard Zinn" strategy. It is also good to know that Mary Moore of Occidental once again has the Sonoma County Free Press back on line at <>. Moore was a close friend of Judi Bari's and several times offered Bari sanctuary from the domestic turmoil in the Bari-Sweeney marriage.
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