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Indybay Feature

Policing The Non-Profits

by Lynda Carson (Tenantsrule [at]
The rent scams continue to spread, and the
non-profits are getting caught up into them...
The renters continue to be the losers in more ways than one...
Policing the Non-Profits

Theres growing evidence of wide spread corruption going on in the local non-profit Housing Organizations.

Did you know: In California;

All residential rental properties with 16 or more units require that one unit be designated as that of the resident manager, and that there be a resident manager.

Did you know:

The most that the landlord can charge the resident manager for rent is 2/3 the fair market value of the unit, or, the landlord may provide the entire unit free of charge, as long as the minimum wage requirement is met by the value of the rent that can be charged. These jobs are required to be set aside for residents of the property.

Did you know:

A failure of the landlord to have a resident manager in a complex with 16 or more units is a violation of the warranty of habitability,and a breach of all the residents contracts. All parties agree to abide by Federal, State, and local laws in the contracts.

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Bay area activits and renters are becoming alarmed by the number of landlords who are in violation of the rent laws/labor codes that are applicable to Resident Managers. Click below for info on why the landlords hate the Resident Manager laws.

The worst aspect is that ever increasing evidence and documentation reveals that many of the Non-Profit Housing Organizations are caught up into some of these unlawful activities. This hurts the whole community working for a good cause to raise funds for low-income housing.

To exploit the renters, landlords have been profiting by dumping the Resident Managers, renting out the apartments, and pocketing the extra money on a monthly basis. Why? MONEY! Low income renters are hurt by these schemes, and many jobs are lost.

Many landlords pressure renters to remain quiet and to go along with these schemes. Especially cities with weak rent laws such as Oakland.

Its a technique to raise the rents, while decreasing services at the same time, and eliminating jobs that rightfully belong to one of the residents at each
property. These schemes are unlawful, and becoming wide spread.

Feel free to contact Tenantsrule [at] if you work for a non-profit caught up into these unlawful activites. We will not reveal your name.

If you are a renter in a building that requires a resident manager, and needs one feel free to make contact.

We need to know how many buildings are caught up into these schemes, their location, number of renters, and the owners name to create a database.

In hopes to survey the situation, solutions may be found to persuade some of the lawless landlords, non-profit or otherwise, to abide by State Laws, and treat their renters fairly.

Meanwhile local officials and the media are being alerted to the problem.

Contact: Tenantsrule [at]

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