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Jews for a Free Palestine Action - May 15th - 5:30 pm SF

by x
Please join JEWS FOR A FREE PALESTINE in telling the Jewish Community Federation:
In front of the Four Seasons Hotel, 735 Market St between 3rd & 4th Streets, San Francisco
May 15th - 5:30 pm
Please join JEWS FOR A FREE PALESTINE in telling the Jewish Community Federation:
In front of the Four Seasons Hotel, 735 Market St between 3rd & 4th Streets, San Francisco
May 15th - 5:30 pm


Wednesday is the anniversary of Al Nakba ("the catastrophe"), the mass deportation of nearly a million Palestinians from their homes, massacres of civilians, and the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages in 1948.

On this day when Palestinians remember these injustices, hundreds of major donors to the Jewish Community Federation will gather inside the Four Seasons Hotel, to celebrate their campaign to raise $30 million in support for Zionism and the exclusionary state of Israel. The Jewish Community Federation's campaign slogan is "We Stand with Israel, Now and Forever."

We say:

Israel is a racist, apartheid state.
Zionism is not in the best interest of the Jewish people.
54 years of Palestinian suffering is 54 years too long.

>Please join a group of multi-racial Jews and non-Jewish supporters in telling the world that funding from the US supports Israel's terror in the name of all Jews, and this must stop NOW!

We demand:

-An immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel
-An end to the occupation
-The immediate democratization of the state of Israel and the abolishment of the apartheid structure of the state.
-The Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees in accordance with United Nations Resolution 194

**Please bring signs expressing:

1) support for this Jewish action protesting: the racist & exclusionary character of Israel & US Funding to Israel
2) solidarity with the Palestinian people!
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by Jesus Christ (2 week check unpaid)
all power to Jews for a Free Palestine! i'll try my best to show up in support of our Jew brothers and sisters allies to the Palestinian liberation. best of luck and god bless tomorrow.

in solidarity,
by Peace
So you got some Jewish Unca Toms to help out? Big deal. You are all going to end up on the same ash heap. Terrorists blow up innocent people in Israel and in New York City and in Washington DC. There is no difference between the suicide bombers in Israel and the suicide bombers who slammed in the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Face it: You are all a bunch of Jew bashing hate mongers. At least the Nazis and the PLO have the guts to NOT pretend they are for anything else but the total destruction of all Jews.
by JoJo Gun
What about the terrorists who trained Bin Laden to fight the Soviets? Or the terrorists who mined Nicaraguan harbours and trained the Contras?

by Jesus Christ (exposing)
how about the countless terrorism that Israel has undertaken since 1948, uprooting Palestinians and committing ethnic cleansing with their racist zionist agenda? (yes, thank you for answering nothing)


conscious jews and Palestinians are turning the tide.

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