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Racism On The California Bar Exam : Teach Your Lawyers Well

by Wacky Iraqi (repost)
The following is an actual excerpt from a California Bar Exam practice test, kindly smuggled to me by an alert minion. You may not find it as humorous and f'd up as I do, but then your name probably isn't Ziad.
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by deanosor (deanosor [at]
I am not Arab, but i don't consider this question funny or bigoted, but an exmaple for the times we live in. I am happy that people who are taking the bar exam have questions like this, that bring up real issues of real situations happening in the world today. New lawyers should learn that Arab-Americans amongst others are being put into the crosshairs by hte Federal government in the guise of homeland security. And they should be able to think of solutions to problems. I applaud the people who maek up the Bar exam for putting this question on their test.
by the problem
I think the question suggests someone named Ziad actually sent anthrax in the mail and from the possible answers the validity of him sending the anthrax is assumed they dont hinge on the validity of the acussation or the amount of evidence). Since Ziad is an Iraqi name the exam is almost suggesting that an Iraqi or Iraqi American (like Ziad who runs ) carried out the anthrax attacks last year when all evidence and most FBI statements suggests it was a government (or ex government) scientist.

I guess the positive of a question like this is it may show lawyers that the legal system is targeting people from the Middle East, but its easy to see why you might find it disturbing if your name is Ziad.
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