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Did you know Comcast is...

by stealing format ideas.
Did you know Comcast cable is producing a cable show called "OutSpoken."
The premise reads: A new cable television series for the LGBT community.
It is a studio format talk show, with some independantly produced segements. Each episode [will] feature live digital music, segments on GLBT organizations, studio interviews...original film shorts with discussion..." which
almost sounds like the same format as a show that is already produced on cable, which also is a studio talk show format, and interviews politicians, heads of non-profits, and also feature live music by GLBT artists.
The show I am speaking of is called "Tranny Talk"
It is aired on San Francisco's public access channel 29 on
November 7, 2004 at 11:30a.m.
It has been on the air for over 4 years and is educating society abouot GLBT issues and concerns. It is available worldwide and can be sen in other cities and states in the U.S.
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by will premiere November 23 at 8:30p.m. on ch11
"OutSpoken" will premiere November 23 2004 at 8:30a.m. on cable channel 11.
by poster of story
Sorry about the couple of typing errors. I MUST proof read.
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