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Cobb to hold press conference today in SF!

by Brian (IamB [at]
Green Party Candidate David Cobb will hold a SF Press Conference today urging Californians to invest their vote to support the Green Party and progressive politics.
Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb will hold a press conference in San Francisco on Monday, November 1 and will encourage Californians not to waste their votes on Election Day. The press conference will begin at 3 p.m. at 484 Frederick Street in the Upper Haight section of San Francisco. Cobb will be joined by local and Congressional Green Party candidates.

Cobb is concentrating on California in the final days of the campaign to support the many highly-qualified Greens running for office there and to pick up votes from progressives who don’t have to worry that voting for Cobb will help keep Bush in the White House. Since California will undoubtedly be won by Kerry and because the election will be decided on a state by state basis, there is no chance that Cobb can be accused of playing a “spoiler” role in California.

“My message for the people of California is this: Don’t waste your votes! Invest your votes in the only national political party which is working for peace, an end to the war in Iraq, for single-payer universal health insurance and family wage jobs,” said Cobb.

Over two hundred Greens hold elected offices nationwide; 65 of them in California alone. Green Party officials expect to pick up another 50 seats across the nation on Tuesday.

Cobb will be available for media interviews on Tuesday morning, from 7—10 a.m. Contact Media Director Blair Bobier at 541.929.5755 or 414.364.1596 to make arrangements for an interview.

For more information about the Cobb-LaMarche campaign, see

Information about the Green Party of the United States can be found at
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by please listen
What if they gave a press conference and nobody cared?

Demogreen Cobb will set back the cause of independent politics as his vote total falls below the threshhold for maintaining ballot lines around the US.

Don't waste your time or your vote... Vote for Leonard Peltier.
by Robert B. Livingston

If there is someone who knows who will win the presidential election tomorrow, I don't know that person. One thing is certain: many voters worry that their vote will be lost, stolen, ignored, or doctored.

Lawyers for both the Kerry and Bush campaigns are poised to contest the results. Many eyes are turned to Florida, the scene of the 2000 election theft-- and are largely blind to the possibility that Hawaii's 4 electoral votes might be the most susceptible to being manipulated for the sake of breaking a national tie.

With its emphasis on polls and stereotyping-- the corporate media hardly covers the candidates' issues (just as it largely recuses itself from covering the ongoing Hotel Worker Lockout in San Francisco). Candidates and their supporters must pay dearly for the privilege of having their views aired. Ralph Nader is universely portrayed as a doddering shadow of himself. It is our country that is a doddering shadow.

Probably the biggest and least covered story of this election year up to now is the story about how more Americans are awakening to the idea that the Democratic and Republican parties both ignore the needs and wishes of the majority of the people in favor of the needs and wishes of the wealthiest 1% of the population and the 1000 most influential corporations. (Thank you Amy Goodman!)

Tied to that story is the story about how the two parties vie to usurp the the power of this growing awareness by suppressing those who don't play along (read Nader) and by amalgamating opposition into its camp. Republicans draw their numbers by making the electorate fear that Democrats will damage patriotic and family values. Democrats get their ABBs by making the electorate fear that Republicans will take away the social safety net and by suggesting that Kerry is secretly planning to sabotage the interests that misled us into our colonial fiasco in Iraq. Meanwhile: the War, Living Wage, Corporate Crime, Bully Globalism, and the race to the highest profits for the least costs remain untabled issues.

Again and again the powers that be tell us that losers must lose with grace. Dean, Kucinich, Sharpton are all acknowledged and promised a seat at the table so long as they shut up and sit there. Taking the cue, that's what they all did.

And the Green Party? It is already scrambling to rebuild (the day after the election?) because it lost most of its credibility when David Cobb and his minority of supporters denied Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo an the endorsement that over 80% of rank and file Greens desired.

To those thinking of voting for Leonard Peltier as the ultimate protest: all power to you, so long as you think your chance of righting the injustice against one man is more influential than righting the injustice against Nader and his majority of Green supporters.

Don't forget that Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo have consistently fought the powers that favor a police state, and government and corporate collusion that bolsters an undeclared but real war against workers, minorities, and the poor. A Nader-Camejo impact arguably improves Peltier's chance of being freed.

Both Nader and Camejo have uniquely identified the prison that cages American Voters into always electing the "least worst" of only two candidates. ABBs, Demogreen candidates and their supporters, the silenced anti-war wing of the Democrat Party-- all well-intentioned, sincere, and seductive in argument-- are nevertheless themselves bars to any prison break that might free the American people to have real debate, real information, real democracy.

A vote for Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo is a vote for justice, reform, and integrity, A vote for Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo is a vote for Human Values and Democracy. A vote for Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo is an admission that you are a voter who is beyond any illusions that this election was already decided in favor of the few against the many.

A vote for Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo is the ultimate dissent and the ultimate promise that the Good Fight is not over!

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