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Indybay Feature

The League of (Pissed Off) Young Voters presents The League Happy Hour

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Event Type:
Party/Street Party
Han Pham
Location Details:
Swig Bar
561 Geary St, San Francisco, CA US

The bi-partisan League of Young Voters (formerly known as the League of Young Voters) invites you the League Happy Hour at Swig Bar on this Tuesday Sept 11 from 7-10pm at Swig Bar in San Francisco.

It's our time to kick back, engage in conversation, laugh, meet, mingle, and imagine a world where young people are players instead of victims in the political game.

You've seen the League around - you heard us dropping verses at the club and meeting with the officials we helped elect at City Hall. You marched with us in the streets and used our voter guides to help you vote with your values. You've seen us work hard and party even harder. What are we up to?

Find out. Come raise a glass to the power of your voice on September 11 at Swig in San Francisco. Join DJ Commodore 69, Swig Bar and the League of Young Voters for Cool libations, cool music, and you. It's not politics as usual.

Visit us online at

Added to the calendar on Thu, Aug 30, 2007 4:44PM
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