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Indybay Feature

PSL Forum: Pakistan & U.S. Imperialism/Marriage Equality and Prop 8

Friday, May 22, 2009
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
2489 Mission St., #28, SF CA 94110
Location Details:
2489 Mission St. Rm. 28, San Francisco
$3 - $5 donation requested, no one turned away for lack of funds.
(Refreshments served. Cross street 21st. Near 24th St. BART. MUNI #14, 49, 26. Parking garage located one block west on 21st. St. btwn. Mission & Valencia, parking cost $2/hr.)

For more info, or to reserve free childcare (please call at least one day in advance if you would like childcare) contact PSL at 415-821-6171.

Imperialist war spreads to Pakistan
On May 8, Pakistan’s government declared a "full-scale offensive" against Islamic fighters in the country. Pakistani troops are using military jets, attack helicopters, tanks and ground forces to eliminate “extremists” and “anti-state elements”. This has caused a mass exodus of civilians. Meanwhile, militants have fought back, delivering heavy blows to the military by ambushing convoys, firing mortars and waging street fights.

What role is the US playing? Frustrated by its lack of victory in neighboring Afghanistan after 8 years, the US is hoping to cut off any aid given to the Afghan resistance forces coming from neighboring Pakistan. First the Bush and now the Obama administration had pushed Pakistan relentlessly to end negotiations with tribal forces and to attack them. Join us for a talk and discussion on the newly termed “Af-Pak” war and on Washington’s plans to expand their “war on terror” to the Pakistani side of the border

The struggle against Prop 8 continues
LGBT people around the country await the California Supreme Court ruling on the legality of Proposition 8, which may come any day now. Proposition 8 changed the California constitution to define marriage as only between one man and one woman, halting same-sex marriages in the state. Join us for an update in the struggle for full LGBT equality.

Plus a report back on the demonstration against the bailout at the Bank of America. Despite getting a generous slice of the bailout pie, Bank of America has no intention to share it with its workforce or with workers who are losing their homes. Hear first-hand accounts from demonstrators who protested the bank bailout at the BofA on May 12.
Added to the calendar on Mon, May 18, 2009 8:08PM
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