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Indybay Feature

"You never knew you could hit Trump in the Pocketbook before" walking tour

Saturday, December 17, 2016
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Event Type:
David Giesen
Location Details:
American Youth Hostel
312 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA

The walk is nominally about San Francisco social movement history, but it's also a deep look into the chronic issues facing us today such as wage scales, housing rights, and racial, religious, and class divisions. Remarkably, the content includes constructive proposals for solutions, and a timely one of these addresses Trumpism.

Trump derives income from his reputation, his businesses, and from the land he owns. This walk introduces you to public policy measures going back 3,000 years (and with modern sizing) that would abolish his (and your) income from mere ownership of land.

Hit social wrong in the pocketbook and you're going to make a difference, get attention, make complacent thinking uncomfortable!

FREE, except for your time and current patterns of thought
Added to the calendar on Fri, Dec 16, 2016 10:21AM
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