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Indybay Feature

Petition: Keep the Redstone Labor Temple a Community Center!

by Redstone Labor Temple Association
The Redstone Labor Temple is being targeted by the same forces of speculative capital that threaten to displace poor and working class people from all of San Francisco.
Redstone Labor Temple Association started this petition to Mayor of San Francisco London Breed and Malia Cohen


The Redstone Labor Temple is being targeted by the same forces of speculative capital that threaten to displace poor and working class people from all of San Francisco.


We, the undersigned, are committed to supporting the tenants of the Redstone Labor Temple in protecting the historic mission of the building by keeping it a center for non-profit advocacy agencies, artists and cultural groups, and social and economic justice organizations. We call on the City and County of San Francisco to make all efforts to preserve the building as a space for our community.

Personal story

For more than a century, the Redstone Labor Temple has served as a hub for organizations that advocate for economic and social justice in San Francisco. Built in 1914 by the San Francisco Labor Council, over the next 50 years the building was the focus of labor history. It was an epicenter of organizing for the San Francisco General Strike in support of the West Coast Longshore Workers' Strike of 1934, and home to the first all-women's union, Bookbinder's Local 125. Since 1968, the building has been a center for social service organizations and non-profit community groups, small businesses, artists, and art and theater spaces.

The Redstone Labor Temple represents the best of San Francisco’s history of solidarity and civic engagement. Adapting to changing economic and social conditions, the building is a center for organizations who demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to the lives of marginalized communities: immigrants, artists, precarious workers, domestic workers, queer people, the displaced and the homeless. It is an important resource for Latinx, arts, and politically progressive groups in San Francisco. The Redstone Labor Temple is a critical resource, providing a space for organizing in the struggle to maintain the culture and community of the Mission District in the face of an unprecedented displacement crisis. The tenants of the Redstone Labor Temple are committed to keeping the building an organizing center for both the Mission neighborhood and city-wide.

* 468 have signed. Let’s get to 500!

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