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imageThe Intifada in Numbers
by citizen7
More than 1,914 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers, settlers or police since September 2000. Also counted among these are those who died as a direct result of the Israeli occupation....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:03pm PDT
textIsraeli Soldiers kill thirteen year old boy in full view of ISM activists by Nablus ISM
These daily occurrences would not stand the light of day if it were reported by the media -- who don't say a word about the daily killings and torture of Palestinians but freak out when an Israeli is injured or killed....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 11:00pm PDT
textWake up and Smell The Occupation by By Sam Bahour
As many Palestinians are anxiously waiting for the US to gallop across the Atlantic on a white horse to solve our woes, I prefer to appeal to my Israeli neighbors to wake up and smell the occupation, for their sake and for ours....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 10:35pm PDT
textTHE LIE MACHINE– It's working overtime to push us into war with Iraq by Justin Raimondo
An all-important aspect of the War Party's tactics is the launching of a smear campaign, designed to attribute "anti-Semitism" to any and all manifestations of antiwar sentiment. It then becomes the intellectual equivalent of Kristallnacht to say aloud what geography and common sense tell us: that this war, if not in America's best interests, is certainly of great benefit to Israel. Alex Cockburn has recently been slimed in this manner; Buchanan and Taki have been smeared with the s...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 10:31pm PDT
imageManufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff)
by Latuff
Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom....
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 6:50am PDT
textNew Jersey Poet Lauriate Won't Resign Post by Orange
Poet Lauriate Amiri Baraka ( Leroi Jones) Won't Resign because of his poem in which he blames Israel for 9/11...
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 11:36pm PDT
textNew Jersey Poet Lauriate, Amiri Baraka's Poem: Somebody Blew-Up America by Orange
New Jersey Poet Lauriate, Amiri Baraka (aka Leroi Jones) is being asked to resign because of this poem in which he blames Israel for 9/11...
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 11:31pm PDT
textLantos Champions a US-Sponsored Dictatorship in Iraq by By Akiva Eldar
Congressman Lantos to Israeli Politicians: " ... we'll install a pro-Western dictator (in Iraq), who will be good for us and for you." This quote's been published today in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz. Read below the full text, in particular the first 3 paragraphs....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 6:01pm PDT
textIsrael Boots Out Foreign Journalistst Who Don't Buy Into Israeli Proganda by The Street
Israel has been detaining journalists, for months now, and refusing entry into so-called "military zones" in Palestinian territories. They have even shot several, some resulting in fatalities. Here is the latest news about this issue....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 1:45pm PDT
imageDay of Protest
by Charles Slay
Anti-war protestors and supporters of Palestine marched from San Francisco's Dolores Park to the Civic Center Saturday September 28 to voice their opposition to the impending war against Iraq and commemorate the Al Aqsa Intifada and the twentieth annivesrary of the massacres of Sabra and Shatila....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 11:05pm PDT
imageMarch and Rally for a Free Palestine
by David Hanks, Global Exchange
March and Rally for a Free Palestine...
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 12:53am PDT
textBerkeley Students facing Suspension for Demanding Divestment from Israel by Free Dissent
The University of California is attempting to silence dissent about its connections to Israeli Apartheid by prosecuting 32 Students who sat-in last April in Wheeler Hall with Student Conduct Charges, threatening to suspend for a year…read more and send petitions or call!! Flood those mailboxes!...
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 11:00pm PDT
imageFree Palestine! War on Iraq? Not in Our Name
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Thousands march and rally for a free Palestine, and say "not in our name" to a U.S. war on Iraq....
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 9:07pm PDT
imageThousands March For Peace In San Francisco
by Z
The rally Saturday Sept 28th 2002 was not just about Palestine but also about the looming war in Iraq and the reduction of American Civil Liberties...
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 8:24pm PDT
imageFree Palestine Protest -- SF, 9/28
by Mr. Normal
Pictures of the rally to Free Palestine, held at SF Civic Center....
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 7:29pm PDT
imageThousands Take to SF Streets in Rally To Defend Palestine
by Z
On September 28th 2002, several thousand people gathered in Delores Park and marched to the Civic Center to protest for the Palestinian people and against US support for Israel....
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 7:11pm PDT
textPoliticize The War! by Justin Raimondo
It doesn't matter how many Palestinian school-kids General "Bulldozer" Sharon rolls over, in the end the Arab birth-rate is the ultimate Palestinian weapon, and the Zionist project is doomed – whether by its own excesses or an inherent impracticality, is open to debate. In any case, Roberts says it is time for the Israelis to jump ship...
Posted: Fri, Sep 27, 2002 6:00am PDT
text9/28: Free Palestine — National Day of Protest by solidarity
Free Palestine — National Day of Protest — San Francisco and Chicago Protest the U.S. War Drive Stop the War on Iraq Before It Starts...
Posted: Wed, Sep 25, 2002 6:16pm PDT
textLET THE UN INSPECTORS IN--Israel This Means YOU! by Justin Raimondo
Okay, let's see if I get this straight: the U.S. is preparing to go to war with Iraq because Saddam might, in the future, develop "weapons of mass destruction" and therefore threaten the peace of the Middle East. But the U.S. is itself prepared to use weapons of mass destruction if the Arabs and Israelis should come to blows – no matter who starts it – or if nuclear-armed Israel is attacked. Perhaps those UN arms inspectors, instead of picking over the ruins of Iraqi mil...
Posted: Mon, Sep 23, 2002 11:26pm PDT
textBehind the war on Palestinians by Socialist Worker
The US has the power to stop Israel, or so it would appear. One can only hope so, because Israel needs to be stopped!...
Posted: Mon, Sep 23, 2002 6:48pm PDT
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