Indybay Regions North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area California United States International Americas Haiti Iraq Palestine Afghanistan
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Indybay Feature

About Us

by Indybay collective (indybay [at]
The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) is a non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.

Principles of Unity: San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia

  1. We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium.
  2. We support local, regional and global struggles against exploitation and oppression.
  3. We function as a non-commercial, non-corporate, anti-capitalist collective.

San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia involves volunteer participants and allied collectives organized along anti-authoritarian principles of open and transparent decision-making processes, including open public meetings; a form of modified consensus; and the elimination of hierarchies.

San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia participants shall not act in a manner that endangers, intimidates, or physically harms any member of the group, including by sexual harassment or acts of violence. Indymedia members shall strive to act in a respectful manner to other members of the collective as well as the public.

Mission Statement

  • To encourage a world where globalization is not about homogeneity and exploitation, but rather, about diversity and cooperation.
  • To cover local events that are ignored or poorly covered by corporate media.
  • To provide edited audio, video, and print stories of the above on the internet for independent media outlets and the general public.
  • To facilitate the networking and coordination for the coverage of local events as well as gather information about events to cover.
  • To provide links to alternative media, activist, and research groups.
  • To seek out and provide coverage underscoring the global nature of people's struggles for social, economic, and environmental justice directly from their perspective.
  • To offer community classes for training in internet and media skills.
  • To encourage, facilitate, and support the creation of independent news gathering and organizations.

Editorial Policy

Indybay's processes and policies for maintaining the open-publishing site.

Frequently Asked Questions

A list of questions and replies about Indybay, including publishing and editing, as well as privacy and security.

Get Involved

This is your independent media center. As an all-volunteer organization, we need you to get involved! Check our get involved page for info on meetings and e-mail lists.

Santa Cruz IMC

On February 1, 2006, the Santa Cruz Independent Media Center's website became regionally integrated with, the website of the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center. The website address for Santa Cruz Indymedia is

Further Information

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by missesyaya (missesyaya [at]
Hello all! I am glad I found this site because it seems to contain a lot of unbiased information. I would like to be able to discuss important matters and be able to voice my opinion.
by chi lai (chi_lai_00 [at]
hi. im just confused. what's the difference between you two. probably there was some disagreement somewhere along the way and so now there are two. what's the difference? cuz i wanna get involved....
by short answer
sf bay area indymedia covers the bay area & beyond and has an office in san francisco, newspaper, tv show and radio station.
by your stuff is always published
When you post something to the site it automatically goes into the "other/breaking" section on the front page. If you categorize it by location (such as central valley or city of sf) or by topic (such as anti-war) it also shows up on those feature pages (well, central valley is the only location feature page on this site right now).

Editors then evaluate each post to see if it has local, global, opinion, or news relevance, and then promote things to local or global if appropriate. If there are enough posts or urgency or something to that effect about a given topic, and editors have time or energy to do it, sometimes editors will make a center column article (we call them "blurbs" out of a post or posts. If a post or comment has hateful content or is provocative or whatever, editors will hide it. Nothing is ever deleted from the site and there is a page where you can view hidden posts.
by Maurice Campbell (mecsoft [at]
Many of your readers are being impacted by high or outrageous Energy prices from the gas pump, to home heating, to the cost of electricity. This one area may be one of the biggest threats to the current living standard of many people it would be nice to see a major discussion taking place on Energy and its related dependencies. It may spur discussions on Energy Efficiency, Alternative Energy, Global Warming etc.
by presuming of course
that's something indybay might be interested in supporting,

question mark.
by website editorial collective
here is some info about submitting articles for the center column
by change sucks
Bring back the latest comments section.

I refuse to read your site until you do.
by Catholic League for Religious & Civil Rights
Catholic League president Bill Donohue addressed this issue today:

"Anyone who wants to know what makes these people tick should click into the website It will soon be discovered that abortion rights is only one small part of the agenda: the website embraces every conceivable anti-American, left-wing cause, including issues that are positively insane, e.g., "Bathroom Safety for Transgenders."

related article:
by Rich Jeffery (Rick [at]
Indybay Topic: Energy (mainstream issue, if Truthful)

Rising levels of public concern over the obvious (war, global warming, costs and pollution) may cause any media not speaking to Energy and Environment to be left behind. That is if one believes majority of the public has tired of the smoke and mirrors and is already looking elsewhere for Truth.

I might suggest future media is not only “ if ” Energy and Environment are mainstream issues, but “who” will become successful with both by providing the public with what it seeks: Truth.
by David H. Bradshaw (davidhbradshaw2003 [at]
After viewing the material on this Indy site, I am more than ever determined to move back to my real home, SF. The article on Bradley Manning was potent and so insightful. Living in Indiana has been a real bummer, but am doing all I can to raise some awareness as to the important issues of our time that rarely get attention here. The film clips of protestors on Market St. bring back memories of me and my cohorts marching for causes back some years ago, such as the 2003 anti-war march, beginning in Dolores Park, and culminating at Civic Center. I will visit this site as often as possible. The friend who sent this link will get a big thank you from me. Please keep up your excellent endeavors--you give us all hope. DB
by Dr. Danny Weil, ESQ
I wholeheartedly support a link for anti fascist work. As an anti fascist worker and contributor to this site, as well as being a public interest attorney, author and investigative journalist, I cannot tell you how important, as we see fascism rising, that it is to have a segment where people can see what these people are doing.

I have been writing about Turning Point USA and the Proud Boys and fascism for a year for the site.

You can look for my articles.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

Get Involved

If you'd like to help with maintaining or developing the website, contact us.


Publish your stories and upcoming events on Indybay.

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