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Indybay Feature

Women's March Santa Rosa: Rally for Reproductive Justice & Rights!

Saturday, October 02, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Type:
Women's March Santa Rosa & partners
Location Details:
Old Courthouse Square, between 4th Street & 3rd Street & Santa Rosa Ave., Downtown Santa Rosa

Wear a Mask. Please follow current COVID guidelines:

Women's March Santa Rosa: Rally for Reproductive Justice & Rights

We need you to show up, stand up, and speak up for women's reproductive rights.
Wear your pink hats, bring signs, and let's make noise!

All COVID requirements will be followed so please wear a mask!

When: Saturday, Oct. 2 @ 10 AM - noon

Where: Old Courthouse Square in Downtown Santa Rosa


Why Women's March is Mobilizing

Women's March, Planned Parenthood, and 90+ partners are marching in every single state ahead of the Supreme Court reconvening on October 4. We’re telling the Supreme Court and lawmakers across the country that attacking our reproductive rights will not be tolerated!

Abortion has never been fully accessible, but we are at the risk of losing our reproductive freedom completely. The call to action is clear, and urgent. The relentless attacks from Texas to Mississippi are ramping up quickly.

Anti-choice extremists have a deep desire to return to a time when there was more clear and effective domination and control over queer and trans folks, women, and people of color; they want to revive those old values and societal norms to the point of re-acceptance. The authoritarian agenda of reproductive control is fueled by misogyny and racism - and we must challenge it, together.

We have this opportunity to invite all the people that know us and love us into this important movement and work united as we build something better for our families and communities.

As a small powerful group tries to come for our human rights over and over again, we’ll never let go of our vision of reproductive justice; for unfettered abortion access and everything we need to support and grow our families to thrive and live healthy lives.

This is your fight. This is our fight. This impacts all of us. Rise up on October 2!
Added to the calendar on Tue, Sep 21, 2021 9:33AM
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