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SAG AFTRA Members Picket Netflix HQ-Protest 1 Cent Residuals

by Labor Video Project
Dozens of SAG AFTRA strikers picketed the headquarters of Netflix in Los Gatos. Netflix refuses to provide information about the times it streams films to the union and also wants SAG AFTRA and Writers Guild West members to work as gig workers with no healthcare and pensions.
Dozens of SAG AFRTA striking members and supporters marched and spoke out at the world
headquarters of Netflix in Los Gatos, California on July 20. 2023.

Workers said they were not able to get healthcare and were being destroyed financially
while the executives and owners make billions.

Actors pointed out that without residuals their livelihood is being undermined.

Netflix owner and founder Reed Hastings is also a major force in privatization and charters in California. He financed pro-charter bill Prop 39 which allows co-location in public schools and also allow charters to build on toxic dump sites. The Field Act which protects students from health hazards was removed by this bill for charters.

Additional Media:

Striking WGAW Members & Labor Supporters Speak Out At Apple On The Fight For All Working People
At Apple Headquarters Workers Want Labor Power! Writers Guild Of American West Rallies With Labor
LA Striking Writers and S. Cal Workers Fed Up! They Speak Out About Billionaires & Attacks On Labor
Stand Up Fight Back! LA Strike Wave Grows As Writers Guild & Other Unions Rally & Prepare To Strike

Production of Labor Video Project
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